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- /* -*- C -*-
- ** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: calc.c
- **
- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- ** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- ** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- ** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- ** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- ** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- **
- ** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- ** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- ** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- ** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- ** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- ** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- ** them in any way.
- **
- ** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- ** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
- ** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
- **
- ** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- ** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- ** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- ** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
- ** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
- ** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
- ** by any user of this program.
- **
- ** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
- ** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
- ** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
- ** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
- */
- /* $VER: $Id: calc.c,v 1.3 1995/07/02 22:20:25 tf Exp $ */
- #include "astrolog.h"
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** House Cusp Calculations.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* This is a subprocedure of ComputeInHouses(). Given a zodiac position, */
- /* return which of the twelve houses it falls in. Remember that a special */
- /* check has to be done for the house that spans 0 degrees Aries. */
- int HousePlaceIn(rDeg)
- real rDeg;
- {
- int i = 0;
- rDeg = Mod(rDeg + 0.5/60.0/60.0);
- do {
- i++;
- } while (!(i >= cSign ||
- (rDeg >= house[i] && rDeg < house[Mod12(i+1)]) ||
- (house[i] > house[Mod12(i+1)] &&
- (rDeg >= house[i] || rDeg < house[Mod12(i+1)]))));
- return i;
- }
- /* For each object in the chart, determine what house it belongs in. */
- void ComputeInHouses()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- inhouse[i] = HousePlaceIn(planet[i]);
- }
- /* This house system is just like the Equal system except that we start */
- /* our 12 equal segments from the Midheaven instead of the Ascendant. */
- void HouseEqualMidheaven()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = Mod(MC-270.0+30.0*(real)(i-1));
- }
- /* This is a new house system similar in philosophy to Porphyry houses. */
- /* Instead of just trisecting the difference in each quadrant, we do a */
- /* smooth sinusoidal distribution of the difference around all the cusps. */
- void HousePorphyryNeo()
- {
- real delta;
- int i;
- delta = (MinDistance(MC, Asc) - rDegQuad)/4.0;
- house[sLib] = Mod(Asc+rDegHalf); house[sCap] = MC;
- house[sAqu] = Mod(house[sCap] + 30.0 + delta + is.rSid);
- house[sPis] = Mod(house[sAqu] + 30.0 + delta*2 + is.rSid);
- house[sSag] = Mod(house[sCap] - 30.0 + delta + is.rSid);
- house[sSco] = Mod(house[sSag] - 30.0 + delta*2 + is.rSid);
- for (i = sAri; i < sLib; i++)
- house[i] = Mod(house[i+6]-rDegHalf);
- }
- /* The "Whole" house system is like the Equal system with 30 degree houses, */
- /* where the 1st house starts at zero degrees of the sign of the Ascendant. */
- void HouseWhole()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = Mod((SFromZ(Asc)-1)*30+ZFromS(i)+is.rSid);
- }
- /* In "null" houses, the cusps are always fixed to start at their cor- */
- /* responding sign, i.e. the 1st house is always at 0 degrees Aries, etc. */
- void HouseNull()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = Mod(ZFromS(i)+is.rSid);
- }
- /* Calculate the house cusp positions, using the specified algorithm. */
- void ComputeHouses(housesystem)
- int housesystem;
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- if (RAbs(AA) > RFromD(rDegQuad-rAxis) && housesystem < 2) {
- sprintf(sz, "The %s system of houses is not defined at extreme latitudes.", szSystem[housesystem]);
- PrintError(sz);
- Terminate(tcFatal);
- }
- switch (housesystem) {
- case 1: HouseKoch(); break;
- case 2: HouseEqual(); break;
- case 3: HouseCampanus(); break;
- case 4: HouseMeridian(); break;
- case 5: HouseRegiomontanus(); break;
- case 6: HousePorphyry(); break;
- case 7: HouseMorinus(); break;
- case 8: HouseTopocentric(); break;
- case 9: HouseEqualMidheaven(); break;
- case 10: HousePorphyryNeo(); break;
- case 11: HouseWhole(); break;
- case 12: HouseNull(); break;
- default: HousePlacidus();
- }
- }
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Star Position Calculations.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* This is used by the chart calculation routine to calculate the positions */
- /* of the fixed stars. Since the stars don't move in the sky over time, */
- /* getting their positions is mostly just reading info from an array and */
- /* converting it to the correct reference frame. However, we have to add */
- /* in the correct precession for the tropical zodiac, and sort the final */
- /* index list based on what order the stars are supposed to be printed in. */
- void ComputeStars(SD)
- real SD;
- {
- int i, j;
- real x, y, z;
- /* Read in star positions. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cStar; i++)
- {
- x = stardata[i*6-6]; y = stardata[i*6-5]; z = stardata[i*6-4];
- planet[oNorm+i] = RFromD(x*rDegMax/24.0+y*15.0/60.0+z*0.25/60.0);
- x = stardata[i*6-3]; y = stardata[i*6-2]; z = stardata[i*6-1];
- planetalt[oNorm+i] = RFromD(x+y/60.0+z/60.0/60.0);
- /* Convert to ecliptic zodiac coordinates. */
- EquToEcl(&planet[oNorm+i], &planetalt[oNorm+i]);
- planet[oNorm+i] = Mod(DFromR(planet[oNorm+i])+rEpoch2000+SD);
- planetalt[oNorm+i] = DFromR(planetalt[oNorm+i]);
- ret[oNorm+i] = RFromD(rDegMax/26000.0/365.25);
- starname[i] = i;
- }
- /* Sort the index list if -Uz, -Ul, -Un, or -Ub switch in effect. */
- if (us.nStar > 1) for (i = 2; i <= cStar; i++) {
- j = i-1;
- /* Compare star names for -Un switch. */
- if (us.nStar == 'n') while (j > 0 && NCompareSz(
- szObjName[oNorm+starname[j]], szObjName[oNorm+starname[j+1]]) > 0) {
- SwapN(starname[j], starname[j+1]);
- j--;
- /* Compare star brightnesses for -Ub switch. */
- } else if (us.nStar == 'b') while (j > 0 &&
- starbright[starname[j]] > starbright[starname[j+1]]) {
- SwapN(starname[j], starname[j+1]);
- j--;
- /* Compare star zodiac locations for -Uz switch. */
- } else if (us.nStar == 'z') while (j > 0 &&
- planet[oNorm+starname[j]] > planet[oNorm+starname[j+1]]) {
- SwapN(starname[j], starname[j+1]);
- j--;
- /* Compare star declinations for -Ul switch. */
- } else if (us.nStar == 'l') while (j > 0 &&
- planetalt[oNorm+starname[j]] < planetalt[oNorm+starname[j+1]]) {
- SwapN(starname[j], starname[j+1]);
- j--;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Chart Calculation.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Given a zodiac degree, transform it into its Decan sign, where each */
- /* sign is trisected into the three signs of its element. For example, */
- /* 1 Aries -> 3 Aries, 10 Leo -> 0 Sagittarius, 25 Sagittarius -> 15 Leo. */
- real Decan(deg)
- real deg;
- {
- int sign;
- real unit;
- sign = SFromZ(deg);
- unit = deg - ZFromS(sign);
- sign = Mod12(sign + 4*((int)RFloor(unit/10.0)));
- unit = (unit - RFloor(unit/10.0)*10.0)*3.0;
- return ZFromS(sign)+unit;
- }
- /* Transform spherical to rectangular coordinates in x, y, z. */
- void SphToRec(r, azi, alt, rx, ry, rz)
- real r, azi, alt, *rx, *ry, *rz;
- {
- real rT;
- *rz = r *RSinD(alt);
- rT = r *RCosD(alt);
- *rx = rT*RCosD(azi);
- *ry = rT*RSinD(azi);
- }
- #ifdef PLACALC
- /* Compute the positions of the planets at a certain time using the Placalc */
- /* accurate formulas and ephemeris. This will superseed the Matrix routine */
- /* values and is only called with the -b switch is in effect. Not all */
- /* objects or modes are available using this, but some additional values */
- /* such as Moon and Node velocities not available without -b are. (This is */
- /* the one place in Astrolog which calls the Placalc package functions.) */
- void ComputePlacalc(t)
- real t;
- {
- int i;
- real r1, r2, r3, r4;
- /* We can compute the positions of Sun through Pluto, Chiron, and the */
- /* North Node using Placalc. The other objects must be done elsewhere. */
- for (i = oSun; i <= oLil; i++) {
- if ((i > oChi && i < oNod) || (ignore[i] && i > oMoo))
- continue;
- if (FPlacalcPlanet(i, t*36525.0+2415020.0, us.objCenter != oSun,
- &r1, &r2, &r3, &r4)) {
- /* Note that this can't compute charts with central planets other */
- /* than the Sun or Earth or relative velocities in current state. */
- planet[i] = Mod(r1 + is.rSid);
- planetalt[i] = r2;
- ret[i] = RFromD(r3);
- /* Compute x,y,z coordinates from azimuth, altitude, and distance. */
- SphToRec(r4, planet[i], planetalt[i],
- &spacex[i], &spacey[i], &spacez[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* This is probably the main routine in all of Astrolog. It generates a */
- /* chart, calculating the positions of all the celestial bodies and house */
- /* cusps, based on the current chart information, and saves them for use */
- /* by any of the display routines. */
- real CastChart(fDate)
- bool fDate;
- {
- CI ci;
- real housetemp[cSign+1], Off = 0.0, vtx, j;
- int i, k;
- /* Hack: Time zone +/-24 means to have the time of day be in Local Mean */
- /* Time (LMT). This is done by making the time zone value reflect the */
- /* logical offset from GMT as indicated by the chart's longitude value. */
- if (RAbs(ZZ) == 24.0)
- ZZ = DecToDeg(OO)/15.0;
- ci = ciCore;
- if (MM == -1)
- {
- /* Hack: If month is negative, then we know chart was read in through a */
- /* -o0 position file, so the planet positions are already in the arrays. */
- MC = planet[oMC]; Asc = planet[oAsc];
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- planet[i] = planetalt[i] = 0.0; /* On ecliptic unless we say so. */
- ret[i] = 1.0; /* Direct until we say otherwise. */
- }
- Off = ProcessInput(fDate);
- ComputeVariables(&vtx);
- if (us.fGeodetic) /* Check for -G geodetic chart. */
- RA = RFromD(Mod(-OO));
- MC = CuspMidheaven(); /* Calculate our Ascendant & Midheaven. */
- Asc = CuspAscendant();
- ComputeHouses(us.nHouseSystem); /* Go calculate house cusps. */
- /* Go calculate planet, Moon, and North Node positions. */
- ComputePlanets();
- if (!ignore[oMoo] || !ignore[oNod] || !ignore[oSou] || !ignore[oFor])
- {
- ComputeLunar(&planet[oMoo], &planetalt[oMoo],
- &planet[oNod], &planetalt[oNod]);
- ret[oNod] = -1.0;
- }
- /* Compute more accurate ephemeris positions for certain objects. */
- #ifdef PLACALC
- if (us.fPlacalc)
- ComputePlacalc(T);
- #endif
- if (!us.fPlacalc)
- {
- planet[oSou] = Mod(planet[oNod]+rDegHalf);
- ret[oSou] = ret[oNod] = RFromD(-0.053);
- ret[oMoo] = RFromD(12.5);
- }
- /* Calculate position of Part of Fortune. */
- j = planet[oMoo]-planet[oSun];
- if (us.nArabicNight < 0)
- neg(j);
- j = RAbs(j) < rDegQuad ? j : j - RSgn(j)*rDegMax;
- planet[oFor] = Mod(j+Asc);
- /* Fill in "planet" positions corresponding to house cusps. */
- planet[oVtx] = vtx; planet[oEP] = CuspEastPoint();
- for (i = 2; i <= cSign; i++)
- planet[cuspLo + i - 1] = house[i];
- planet[oAsc] = Asc; planet[oMC] = MC;
- planet[oDes] = Mod(Asc + rDegHalf); planet[oNad] = Mod(MC + rDegHalf);
- for (i = oFor; i <= cuspHi; i++)
- ret[i] = RFromD(rDegMax);
- }
- /* Go calculate star positions if -U switch in effect. */
- if (us.nStar)
- ComputeStars(us.fSiderial ? 0.0 : -Off);
- /* Transform ecliptic to equatorial coordinates if -sr in effect. */
- if (us.fEquator)
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- planet[i] = RFromD(Tropical(planet[i]));
- planetalt[i] = RFromD(planetalt[i]);
- EclToEqu(&planet[i], &planetalt[i]);
- planet[i] = DFromR(planet[i]);
- planetalt[i] = DFromR(planetalt[i]);
- }
- /* Now, we may have to modify the base positions we calculated above based */
- /* on what type of chart we are generating. */
- if (us.fProgress && us.fSolarArc) /* Are we doing a -p0 solar arc chart? */
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- planet[i] = Mod(planet[i] + (is.JDp - is.JD) / us.rProgDay);
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = Mod(house[i] + (is.JDp - is.JD) / us.rProgDay);
- }
- if (us.nHarmonic > 1) /* Are we doing a -x harmonic chart? */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- planet[i] = Mod(planet[i] * (real)us.nHarmonic);
- if (us.objOnAsc)
- {
- if (us.objOnAsc > 0) /* Is -1 put on Ascendant in effect? */
- j = planet[us.objOnAsc]-Asc;
- else /* Or -2 put object on Midheaven switch? */
- j = planet[-us.objOnAsc]-MC;
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++) /* If so, rotate the houses accordingly. */
- house[i] = Mod(house[i]+j);
- }
- /* Check to see if we are -F forcing any objects to be particular values. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- if (force[i] != 0.0)
- {
- planet[i] = force[i]-rDegMax;
- planetalt[i] = ret[i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- ComputeInHouses(); /* Figure out what house everything falls in. */
- /* If -f domal chart switch in effect, switch planet and house positions. */
- if (us.fFlip)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- k = inhouse[i];
- inhouse[i] = SFromZ(planet[i]);
- planet[i] = ZFromS(k)+MinDistance(house[k], planet[i]) /
- MinDistance(house[k], house[Mod12(k+1)])*30.0;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- {
- k = HousePlaceIn(ZFromS(i));
- housetemp[i] = ZFromS(k)+MinDistance(house[k], ZFromS(i)) /
- MinDistance(house[k], house[Mod12(k+1)])*30.0;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = housetemp[i];
- }
- /* If -3 decan chart switch in effect, edit planet positions accordingly. */
- if (us.fDecan)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- planet[i] = Decan(planet[i]);
- ComputeInHouses();
- }
- ciCore = ci;
- return T;
- }
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Aspect Calculations.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Set up the aspect/midpoint grid. Allocate memory for this array, if not */
- /* already done. Allocation is only done once, first time this is called. */
- bool FEnsureGrid()
- {
- if (grid != NULL)
- return fTrue;
- grid = (GridInfo FAR *)PAllocate(sizeof(GridInfo), fFalse, "grid");
- return grid != NULL;
- }
- /* Indicate whether some aspect between two objects should be shown. */
- bool FAcceptAspect(obj1, asp, obj2)
- int obj1, asp, obj2;
- {
- int fSupp;
- if (ignorea(asp)) /* If the aspect restricted, reject immediately. */
- return fFalse;
- if (us.fSmartCusp)
- {
- /* Allow only conjunctions to the minor house cusps. */
- if ((FMinor(obj1) || FMinor(obj2)) && asp > aCon)
- return fFalse;
- /* Prevent any simultaneous aspects to opposing angle cusps, */
- /* e.g. if conjunct one, don't be opposite the other; if trine */
- /* one, don't sextile the other; don't square both at once, etc. */
- fSupp = (asp == aOpp || asp == aSex || asp == aSSx || asp == aSes);
- if ((FAngle(obj1) || FAngle(obj2)) &&
- (fSupp || (asp == aSqu &&
- (obj1 == oDes || obj2 == oDes || obj1 == oNad || obj2 == oNad))))
- return fFalse;
- /* Prevent any simultaneous aspects to the North and South Node. */
- if (fSouthNode)
- {
- if (((obj1 == oNod || obj2 == oNod) && fSupp) ||
- ((obj1 == oSou || obj2 == oSou) && (fSupp || asp == aSqu)))
- return fFalse;
- }
- }
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* This is a subprocedure of FCreateGrid() and FCreateGridRelation(). */
- /* Given two planets, determine what aspect, if any, is present between */
- /* them, and save the aspect name and orb in the specified grid cell. */
- void GetAspect(planet1, planet2, ret1, ret2, i, j)
- real *planet1, *planet2, *ret1, *ret2;
- int i, j;
- {
- int k;
- real l, m;
- grid->v[i][j] = grid->n[i][j] = 0;
- l = MinDistance(planet2[i], planet1[j]);
- for (k = us.nAsp; k >= 1; k--)
- {
- if (!FAcceptAspect(i, k, j))
- continue;
- m = l-aspectangle[k];
- if (RAbs(m) < GetOrb(i, j, k))
- {
- grid->n[i][j] = k;
- /* If -ga switch in effect, then change the sign of the orb to */
- /* correspond to whether the aspect is applying or separating. */
- /* To do this, we check the velocity vectors to see if the */
- /* planets are moving toward, away, or are overtaking each other. */
- if (us.fAppSep)
- m = RSgn2(ret1[j]-ret2[i]) * RSgn2(MinDifference(planet2[i], planet1[j]))*RSgn2(m)*RAbs(m);
- grid->v[i][j] = (int)(m*60.0);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Very similar to GetAspect(), this determines if there is a parallel or */
- /* contraparallel aspect between the given two planets, and stores the */
- /* result as above. The settings and orbs for conjunction are used for */
- /* parallel and those for opposition are used for contraparallel. */
- void GetParallel(planet1, planet2, planetalt1, planetalt2, i, j)
- real *planet1, *planet2, *planetalt1, *planetalt2;
- int i, j;
- {
- int k;
- real l, alt1, alt2;
- l = RFromD(planet1[j]); alt1 = RFromD(planetalt1[j]);
- EclToEqu(&l, &alt1); alt1 = DFromR(alt1);
- l = RFromD(planet2[i]); alt2 = RFromD(planetalt2[i]);
- EclToEqu(&l, &alt2); alt2 = DFromR(alt2);
- grid->v[i][j] = grid->n[i][j] = 0;
- for (k = Min(us.nAsp, aOpp); k >= 1; k--)
- {
- if (!FAcceptAspect(i, k, j))
- continue;
- l = RAbs(k == aCon ? alt1 - alt2 : RAbs(alt1) - RAbs(alt2));
- if (l < GetOrb(i, j, k))
- {
- grid->n[i][j] = k;
- grid->v[i][j] = (int)(l*60.0);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Fill in the aspect grid based on the aspects taking place among the */
- /* planets in the present chart. Also fill in the midpoint grid. */
- bool FCreateGrid(fFlip)
- bool fFlip;
- {
- int i, j, k;
- real l;
- if (!FEnsureGrid())
- return fFalse;
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++) if (!ignore[j])
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- /* The parameter 'flip' determines what half of the grid is filled in */
- /* with the aspects and what half is filled in with the midpoints. */
- if (fFlip ? i > j : i < j) {
- if (us.fParallel)
- GetParallel(planet, planet, planetalt, planetalt, i, j);
- else
- GetAspect(planet, planet, ret, ret, i, j);
- } else if (fFlip ? i < j : i > j) {
- l = Mod(Midpoint(planet[i], planet[j])); k = (int)l; /* Calculate */
- grid->n[i][j] = k/30+1; /* midpoint. */
- grid->v[i][j] = (int)((l-(real)(k/30)*30.0)*60.0);
- } else {
- grid->n[i][j] = SFromZ(planet[j]);
- grid->v[i][j] = (int)(planet[j]-(real)(grid->n[i][j]-1)*30.0);
- }
- }
- }
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* This is similar to the previous function; however, this time fill in the */
- /* grid based on the aspects (or midpoints if 'acc' set) taking place among */
- /* the planets in two different charts, as in the -g -r0 combination. */
- bool FCreateGridRelation(fMidpoint)
- bool fMidpoint;
- {
- int i, j, k;
- real l;
- if (!FEnsureGrid())
- return fFalse;
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++) if (!ignore[j])
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- if (!fMidpoint)
- {
- if (us.fParallel)
- GetParallel(cp1.obj, cp2.obj, cp1.alt, cp2.alt, i, j);
- else
- GetAspect(cp1.obj, cp2.obj, cp1.dir, cp2.dir, i, j);
- }
- else
- {
- l = Mod(Midpoint(cp2.obj[i], cp1.obj[j])); k = (int)l; /* Calculate */
- grid->n[i][j] = k/30+1; /* midpoint. */
- grid->v[i][j] = (int)((l-(real)(k/30)*30.0)*60.0);
- }
- }
- }
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* Fill out tables based on the number of unrestricted planets in signs by */
- /* element, signs by mode, as well as other values such as the number of */
- /* objects in yang vs. yin signs, in various house hemispheres (north/south */
- /* and east/west), and the number in first six signs vs. second six signs. */
- /* This is used by the -v chart listing and the sidebar in graphics charts. */
- void CreateElemTable(pet)
- ET *pet;
- {
- int i, s;
- ClearB((lpbyte)pet, (int)sizeof(ET));
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- pet->coSum++;
- s = SFromZ(planet[i]);
- pet->coSign[s-1]++;
- pet->coElemMode[(s-1)&3][(s-1)%3]++;
- pet->coElem[(s-1)&3]++; pet->coMode[(s-1)%3]++;
- pet->coYang += (s & 1);
- pet->coLearn += (s < sLib);
- if (!FCusp(i))
- {
- pet->coHemi++;
- s = inhouse[i];
- pet->coHouse[s-1]++;
- pet->coModeH[(s-1)%3]++;
- pet->coMC += (s >= sLib);
- pet->coAsc += (s < sCan || s >= sCap);
- }
- }
- pet->coYin = pet->coSum - pet->coYang;
- pet->coShare = pet->coSum - pet->coLearn;
- pet->coDes = pet->coHemi - pet->coAsc;
- pet->coIC = pet->coHemi - pet->coMC;
- }
- /* calc.c */